Just like Lemony Snicket, a series of unfortunate events have left Yucca Valley High School in some turmoil. On the athletic side, popular cross country and track coach Jay Stepp resigned after the district hired assistant Coach Holly Brimhall over his objections. Stepp will remain on the staff as a teacher. Holly Brimhall remains as a track coach. Baseball coach Brad Brimhall, who had distributed infantile e-mails critical of Stepp, is no longer coaching baseball after questionable disciplinary action involving a player.

On the administration side, even more turmoil. While personnel laws preclude us from identifying their names, one counselor is on leave pending an investigation; two other administrators are on 45-day probation for improperly filing paperwork.
Superintendent Tom Baumgarten said the district is trying to keep the cascade of negative events from affecting students. Principal Justin Monical has not responded to Z107.7 News.