The Twentynine Palms High School International Thespian Society
will present “A Night of One Acts.” With more information, here’s Rebecca Havely…
A mystery at sea, a punny romance, and a heartwarming family comedy all
on the same ticket. “A Night of One Acts” will be presented at Twentynine Palms High School this weekend and next. The mystery is entitled, “Where Did Everybody Go? The romance called, “Soap Opera” follows a repairman in love with a washing machine and “Chester, Who Painted the World Purple,” directed by junior student Samantha Brookins, tells the tale of a boy who paints everything the only color his blind grandmother can see. The casts feature Samantha Brookins, Anna Pollnow, Conan Manson, Ian Carnes, Dakota Riess, Ariel Montes, and Andrew Ramey. “A Night of One Acts” will take place tonight at 7 p.m. in the MPR at Twentynine Palms High School. Tickets at the door are $10 or $7 with ASB card and for children 12 and under.