The classic and riveting Henrik Ibsen drama, “A Doll’s House,” continues its run this weekend at Theatre 29 with a matinee this Sunday. Managing Editor Tami Roleff says director Kurt Schauppner is proud of his show…
As the classic drama “A Doll’s House,” by Henrik Ibsen, continues its run at Theatre 29, Director Kurt Schauppner says he’s delighted with the new talent and how well the actors are performing. Schauppner said the best part of rehearsals was discovering Tishia Forcada, a student at Copper Mountain College, and Twentynine Palms High School student Gabby Timbrook. Schauppner said Forcada gives heartbreaking life to Nora, and Timbrook’s portrayal of Mrs. Linde was a revelation. He added that working with veteran actress Sue Kelly was a dream come true, as she is the consummate actress who gives everything she can to her roles, large or small. “A Doll’s House” runs through July 19. Performances are 7:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights (except July 4) with 2:30 Sunday matinees p.m. June 29, July 6 and July 13. Tickets are $8 to $12 and may be ordered online at, or by calling the Theatre 29 Box Office at 760-361-4151.