Rainbow Stew will host a variety of classes and entertainment this weekend. Reporter Tanisha Cureton gives some details…
Be sure to bring your notebook and pens to The Medicine Wheel Teachings of the Star Maiden Circle on Saturday, February 3, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will be sharing all the basic teachings of the wheel in a four-hour workshop. A suggested donation of $20 is requested, or $10 if you’ve taken a class with Valerie before. Rainbow Stew will also host classes next the two Mondays, on February 12 and February 26, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This two-part class consists of The Flowering Tree and The Human Being as a Sacred Wheel. A suggested donation of $10 is requested, or $5 if you’ve taken a class with Valerie before. For additional information, contact 760-364-2428.
Learn about the chakras with a class using Chakra Insights Oracle cards at Rainbow Stew this Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. Receive messages of guidance and learn to communicate with others in a positive way. A one-time $30 materials fee covers your 70-card deck plus a $15 class fee. To sign up call Rainbow Stew at 760-418- 5170.
The musical duo of Manny and Otter will give the gift of music at Rainbow Stew this Sunday from 1 to 3 pm. Manny is a self-taught musician who brings his Mescalaro Apache roots to his music.