9th Annual DAV Air Rifle Competition set for 9/30

The 9th annual Disabled American Veterans Air Rifle Competition is set for Saturday, September 30th at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center. It’s open to any veteran and their family members – children younger than 18 must be with an adult.

The competition will start at 7:30 am on the 30th and its being organized by the Disabled American Veterans Morongo Basin Chapter #60


Date: September 30th, 2023
Time: 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., to be held at the Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms, CA 92278
Who can attend? Any Veteran and family! Event is a family oriented event! Younger than 18 years old family member must be accompanied by a Veteran sponsor or an adult. (Volunteers & staff active duty members and their families are invited to compete.) DAV membership is not required.

What can you bring? Camping style chairs. Shaded bleachers are provided.
What are items prohibited to bring? Alcohol, Weapons and personal ammunitions/pellets.
How to sign-up? Call, text message or email to Mike Smith at (760) 217-4610 or [email protected] or leave a message at 760.401-8131 / 760.830.4131 by 12 noon on Monday, September 25, 2023.

What information needed to sign-up? Full name, mailing address, home or cell phone numbers (preferred) and email address.

(Additional information may be asked later.)

What documents needed to bring to gain access on base? Two (2) photo I.D. cards [one (1) must be a government issued, preferably driver’s license or State I.D. card] and if driving, vehicle’s current registration & proof of insurance.

Donation of $10-15 per registrant is encouraged but not required. Donation/s can be mailed to the
below address or brought to the registration prior to the competition.

Why are you encouraged to donate? The DAV is a not-for-profit organization. Your donation will help defray the cost of air rifle supplies, prizes and lunch & drinks. Any excess will be used for local Veterans’ services.

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