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Change for Vets is putting a biker twist on the Manchu Mile, a 25-mile hike held by the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division’s 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, to commemorate the 85-mile hike the regiment made to go to battle in 1900 during the Boxer Rebellion in China. Managing editor Tami Roleff fills in the details about the 400K Patriot Run…

Change for Vets, an organization dedicated to helping veterans in the Morongo Basin, is sponsoring its first 400K Patriot Run motorcycle ride. The Patriot Run is intended to give participants just a small taste of the conditions and endurance that men and women in the military go through for our sake. Riders will meet at 7:30 a.m. August 2 at the Change for Vets Thrift Store, 5758 Adobe Road, Suite B, in Twentynine Palms. Kickstands up at 9. Riders will travel 253 miles, or 400 kilometers, during the ride, from Twentynine Palms to Amboy to Apple Valley to Yucca Valley, and back to Twentynine Palms. The cost is $40 and includes a T-shirt. Food will be available for purchase at the end of the ride. Volunteers are also needed. To volunteer, or for more information, call Kevin Fish at 760-368-8715.

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