3rd District Representative Dawn Rowe announces 2024 reelection bid

Dawn Rowe, the County Board Supervisor for the San Bernardino County’s 3rd District which includes the high desert, announced yesterday (July 19) her bid for reelection in 2024. Rowe, who is also the current Chair of the County Board of Supervisors, was a former member of the Yucca Valley Town Council. She was elected to the County Board of Supervisors in 2020.

High desert residents will have the opportunity to cast their ballot next in March 2024, in the primary election.

The 3rd Supervisorial District reaches nearly 10,000 square miles in San Bernardino County. The district includes the east valley cities of Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Redlands, and Yucaipa. In addition, the district covers the rural mountain and desert communities of Barstow, Daggett, Newberry Springs, Yermo, Big Bear Lake, Lake Arrowhead, the Rim of the World Communities, Oak Glen, Forest Falls, Angelus Oaks, Needles, and of course, the Morongo Basin.

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