29 Palms City Planning Commission meets tonight – four study sessions planned


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Tonight, the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission will conduct four study sessions on various issues. The first concerns the pressing matter of housing the homeless. Identified as a top priority by the city council, the commission will explore solutions and may form a Homeless Committee to identify resources for un-housed individuals. An oral presentation on the topic will also be presented.

The next session will focus on the use of property not permitted by “underlying zoning” and a potential re-establishment of non-conforming uses. This session will include a discussion on provisions and permitting for re-establishing abandoned structures.

The next session tackles film permits, which is listed in the Development Code Chapter for Temporary Uses. There are currently no specific development regulations for the issuance of a film permit. The commission is hoping to set standards and propose adding a section to the code that clarifies film permit requirements.

The final session concerns the development of campgrounds in the city and clarifying types of uses and definitions within the Development Code.

The meeting takes place on Tuesday, March 7, and begins at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 6136 Adobe Road, and can be livestreamed or viewed on-demand via the city’s website, www.29palms.org

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Heather Clisby
Heather Clisby has been working in journalism and communications for over three decades, includings stints at newspapers, magazines, blogs and radio stations. A native of Long Beach, California, she can usually be found guiding tourists in Joshua Tree National Park, auditioning and/or clapping for others at Theatre 29, playing improv, or supporting all her friends in loud bands. She lives with her dog, Sweetpea, in Twentynine Palms.