29 Palms City Council special meeting to reconsider TBID vote

A special meeting of the Twentynine Palms City Council has been called for this evening to reconsider a vote regarding the Tourism Business Improvement District made at last Tuesday’s (September 12) council meeting.

At that last meeting, the council narrowly voted against continuing a 1.5% assessment on all local lodging that was used to fund the business improvement district, known as the TBID, which would effectively defund the organization – which operates the Visit 29 tourism program – at the end of month.

Last Tuesday’s vote was made after several members of the public made passionate remarks during the public comment portion of the meeting, and the final vote was 3-2 against continuing the assessment beyond September 30.

Tonight’s special meeting, which was announced over the weekend, has only one agenda item: the Reconsideration of Resolution Approving Annual Assessment for TBID.

Tonight’s meeting is open to the public, and will be held at 6 p.m. at Twentynine Palms City Hall. 

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