29 Palms man arrested after alleged domestic assault and fleeing with infant

A Twentynine Palms man was arrested for investigation into DUI, mayhem and child endangerment after a witness reported a domestic assault.

At approximately 1 a.m. Friday morning (July 21), County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a report of a domestic assault near the 70000 block of Joshua Drive in Twentynine Palms. Deputies say they found a woman, described as an 18 year-old female resident of Twentynine Palms, suffering from visible injuries at the location. The woman told Deputies that Dijon Butler, a 20 year-old resident of Twentynine Palms, was intoxicated, assaulted her, then took her 11 month-old child and fled in a gray Lexus.

After the information was broadcasted to the entire Morongo Basin Station, other Deputies were quickly able to locate the Lexus in a nearby hotel parking lot. Deputies say that Butler was staying with a hotel guest, and that he and the baby were quickly located. The baby appeared unharmed and was reunited with family. 

Dijon Butler was arrested for investigation into driving under the influence of alcohol, corporal injury, child endangerment, and mayhem, and booked into the Morongo Basin Jail with bail set at $60,000.

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