After struggling for months to put all the pieces together for the 2020 Grubstake Days celebration, the Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce was forced to cancel the event.
A tearful Chamber Executive Wanda Stadum said the very difficult decision was made after a conference call with Yucca Valley stakeholders. Stadum said the final straw was when the parade, already approved by CalTrans, was unable to obtain insurance from any underwriter, based on potential danger from COVID-19. Many traditional venues were unavailable because of virus restrictions and agency closures. Stadum said a postponement was impossible because the carnival and other contracted attractions were booked up. As a result, all planned Grubstake Days events, the parade, the Chamber golf tournament, the kick-off mixer, the rodeo, pancake breakfast, carnival, 5-10K run, kids day, and Little Miss and Master Miner have all been canceled.