Earthquakes, flooding, wildfire, and extreme weather are all disasters that the Town of Yucca Valley must be prepared to face. At last night’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council, the council learned that by having a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place, the Town was eligible to apply for federal grants for items such as emergency generators for the town hall and animal shelter. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the council also heard a report on its animal shelter…
Employees at the Yucca Valley animal shelter are kept busy; last year, four animal control officers responded to 889 calls for service during business hours (Monday through Friday, from 8 to 5), and 79 calls after hours. The Yucca Valley shelter performs better than the national average in adopting out pets; last year, 36 percent of dogs and 39 percent of cats at the shelter were adopted out (compared to 25 and 24 percent, respectively, nationally). In addition, the shelter returned 23 percent of dogs and 3 percent of cats to their owners (compared to 16 and 2 percent, nationally), and 5 percent of dogs and 2 percent of cats were transferred to other shelters. Its adoption events are also very popular with residents, with the Home for the Holidays Christmas adoption event emptying out the shelter.
In other business, Finance Manager Sharon Cisneros discussed the special revenue funds budget. She warned the council that revenues from gasoline taxes have been declining in recent years and are not enough to cover the town’s street maintenance needs, especially if Californians repeal the “Gas Tax” in November.