A group calling itself “Desert Defenders” rallied at the Mojave Desert Land Trust offices in Joshua Tree yesterday. In April, President Trump signed an executive order directing the Secretary of the Interior to review all national monuments over 100,000 acres that were created between 1996 and 2016 by the Antiquities Act of 1906, to determine if the monuments should be downsized or eliminated. Two of the 27 monuments under review are in our local region: Sand to Snow, and Mojave Trails National Monuments. (Another national monument, Castle Mountains, is only 21,000 acres and so is not subject to review.) Monday afternoon, Mojave Desert Land Trust (MDLT) hosted a rally at their Joshua Tree offices with over 250 attendees standing up against what they call “The federal attacks on the California desert national monuments.” The rally featured live music and inspirational speeches from community leaders. Following the rally, the organization moderated a Q&A with Conservation Director Frazier Haney. The Department of the Interior will start taking public comments about the monuments under review as of May 12. Details on how and where to submit comments on the national monuments are available at:
Comments may be submitted online after May 12 at http://www.regulations.gov by entering “DOI-2017-0002” in the Search bar and clicking “Search,” or by mail to Monument Review, MS-1530, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240.