With spring giving way to summer in the Morongo Basin, residents are reporting seeing an increase in insect activity. One insect that is showing up more frequently is a blood-sucking parasite often referred to as the kissing bug. Like the mosquito, this insect has a taste for blood, and will get it from any warm-blooded animal, including people. Reporter Andrew Dieleman tells us how to spot, and avoid, this annoying little bug…
The kissing bug is most active at night and is attracted to carbon dioxide being exhaled from sleeping animals and people. Most people bit by kissing bugs experience little more than a small welt and mild irritation, however severe allergic reactions to kissing bug bites have been reported. To avoid having the bug enter your home at night, seal cracks and crevices in your home, repair any holes in window screens, and clear any brush away from the outside of your home. Lastly, check your bed sheets before settling down for the night. If you experience allergic reactions from an insect bite, seek medical help immediately.