Community EventsMeetingsYucca Valley

Yucca Valley Town Council welcomes new Sheriff’s K9 pup, rolls out San Bernardino Organics program

At Last night’s meeting, The Yucca Valley Town Council met the newest addition to the San Bernardino County’s Sherriff’s Department, a young bloodhound named Naji trained to find missing people. The Joshua Tree National Park Superintendent Jane Rodgers greeted the Town Council and presented an introductory report about her new term as Superintendent of the Park. The Council also received an update on the Organics Recycling Program Rollout.

Joshua Tree National Park Superintendent Jane Rodgers

Joshua Tree National Park Superintendent Jane Rodgers made her first presentation to the Town Council. She said repairs at Black Rock, accessible walkways, pavement repair, cleanup for campgrounds, and nature upkeep are stalled due to lack of funding. Rodgers said the goal is to address West Entrance congestion, install shade canopies over fee stations, install staff restrooms and parking, and update a fire management plan through an IRA grant. Additionally, Rodgers mentioned initiating a climate change response program. The Cottonwood Visitors’ Center construction is postponed due to a lack of funding.

The Perseus Super event that happened recently impacted the Park and the Town. An example of the impact of increased visitation is the over 800 cars an hour that entered Cottonwood, a usually quiet entrance, at 10 p.m. The unexpected meteoric increase in visitors due to media exposure caused overwhelming stress for park staff. In the last five years, especially during events like star events, snow, and celebrity sightings, the Park has experienced increased visitors. Currently, campgrounds are full year-round.

Alex Oshita introduced Willam Nipper (Parks Division) and Justin Hesse (Streets Division), two new employees in the Yucca Valley Maintenance Department.

The Town Council introduced and approved the Development Code Amendment for the State Law-mandated Medicinal Marijuana Delivery Services. Erica Vega from the Legal Department Staff presented the ordinance that goes into effect next year and allows Medicinal Marijuana Delivery Services. It still prohibits storefronts, recreational Marijuana, and retail stores. The new ordinance would allow these businesses to move into Industrial areas. Town Manager Curtis Yakimow suggested the Town Council be preemptive and investigate future actions and public opinion if the State continues to push this item forward.

Carrie Fish, who works for, works with children to keep them from using substances and encourages the Council to put more protections in place by considering locations, prohibiting advertising, and limiting delivery locations.

The Public Maintenance Works Department presented the Fiscal Year 2022/2023- Public Works Annual Report.

The Council also reviewed the Year End Budget Report and allocation of excess fund balance. There is an impressive revenue increase due to the TOT increase and a sales tax increase. Staff recommended a reserve allocation of 500,000 to the Pension Stabilization Reserve, 500,000 to the Aquatics and Recreation Facility, 500,000 to Vehicle and Equipment replacement, and 3,050,000 to the Capital Reserve.

The Council reviewed and approved allotting ARPA funds for a Pickle Ball Complex and thanked San Bernardino Supervisor Rowe for supporting this project.

Yucca Valley’s SB 1383 Organic Recycling Program will be rolled out in January 2024. Over the next two months, Organics Program information will be provided to commercial, multi-family, and residential properties. Residents will receive the information through site visits, letters, flyers, postcards mailed and handed out, employee/tenant training, webinars, live food scrap demonstrations, and information on the Town’s website. The Town of Yucca Valley and Burrtec are offering two live webinars on Thursday, November 9 at 5:30 and on December 18 at 10 a.m. A live Food demonstration will be held in January. For more information on organic recycling, visit the Yucca Valley Website:

Lastly, the Council discussed the Strategic Planning Ideas and Initiatives and provided input for the 2024-26 Strategic Plan. The following steps affirm the prioritization of strategies in November and December, develop and update strategies and action plans in December, Adopt the Town’s Strategic Plan in February, and plan a budget in May 2024. Dirt road maintenance was an issue approached by resident comments and brought up for additional discussion. Town Manager Shane Stueckle explained the issue with dirt road maintenance and what the Town can and can’t do. Stueckle said the Staff will return to the Council with programs that approach options for dirt road maintenance.

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