At last night’s meeting (December 20) of the Yucca Valley Town Council, Rick Dennison was named as the new Yucca Valley Mayor. The Mayor’s first job was recommending Councilman Robert Lombardo as the new Mayor Pro Tem. The Council gratefully thanked the outgoing Mayor for his dedication and good work.
Commissioners Mathew Thomas and James Henderson accepted their second term on the Yucca Valley Planning Commission and thanked Jim Schooler for his support during his term as Mayor. Councilman Jim Schooler took the California Interagency Council on Homelessness position, replacing Council member Jeff Drozd. The Council also approved the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Commission appointments.
Contracts and increased budgets with Southwest Networks, Inc. and HMC Architects were reviewed and approved. Lastly, Staff introduced the Council to the California State Auditor’s Local Government High-Risk Dashboard Review, which tracks the Fiscal health of every California City. Yucca Valley came in at 96% out of 100.
To access this dashboard go to www.auditor.ca.gov/local_high_risk/dashboard-CSA
The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting of Tuesday, January 3, has been canceled due to a lack of scheduled agenda items, and will meet again on Tuesday, January 18, 2023.