Yucca Valley Town Council to review several Town developments including sports center, widening of Highway 62

The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting will begin with two public hearings on Development Code changes. The first is to amend the Land Use Compliance Review requirements to include Irrigation and Landscape Review. The second is to establish permit procedures to process land use entitlements and development proposals in any land use zoning district. The Planning Commission reviewed and approved both proposals at recent meetings; the Town Code requires one public hearing before both the Commission and the Council before adoption.

The Town Council will then receive several departmental reports concerning developments throughout the town. After reviewing the progress report from BMLA Landscape Architecture on the Yucca Valley Sports Complex Project, the Council will consider the Community Center Athletic Facilities Project. Town Staff will propose an amendment to the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year budget to accommodate the development, as well as the award of the construction contract for Phase 1, which includes the construction of pickleball courts, renovation of the basketball court, an expanded parking lot, restrooms, and seating areas.

The Town Council will also consider two agreements related to the provision of Town Services. Town Staff will present an agreement with Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services for procuring recovered organic waste, as required by Senate Bill 1383. As per state calculations, the Town of Yucca Valley is required to procure 1,786 tons of recovered organic waste in the form of compost, mulch, renewable gas, or electricity. Lastly, the Council will review a Cooperative Agreement with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, related to widening Highway 62 from Sage Avenue to Airway Avenue. The improvements will expand the highway’s four lanes to six, including intersection and traffic signal modifications.

Tonight’s meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

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