Yucca Valley Town Council reviewed maintenance and town projects, Joshua Tree Conservation Act

Interim Deputy Chief of Operations Scott Tuttle

The regular Yucca Valley Town Council meeting began with an update by the San Bernardino Fire Department’s Interim Deputy Chief of Operations, Scott Tuttle. During the presentation, Tuttle said the County is trying to secure the property for the new fire station, and Tuttle hopes to return with a location in a month or two.

Tuttle also said that during Covid, the County’s Explorer program for youth 14 to 18 stopped, and the Department is working to recruit young people back into the program. Additionally, Tuttle warned the public to be cautious of the upcoming fire season. Prevent wildfires by being mindful of combustibles and keep yards clean of weeds and dry vegetation. For more information on the Explorer program and wildfire safety, go to www.sbcfire.org.

The Council approved the annual street and drainage and landscape and lighting maintenance districts’ yearly assessment reports in preparation for a public hearing on Tuesday, May 16, to consider the levy of annual assessments.

Interim Deputy Chief of Operations Scott Tuttle

In discussing the current State Legislation on the Western Joshua tree, Staff confirmed the decision to take the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s position and oppose listing the Western Joshua tree because the science doesn’t work. In addition, the Town will oppose the current legislation because of language that impacts property owners and development costs, restricts resident use of their property, and takes away local control.

Lastly, the Council reviewed the Capital Projects Update Report, including a review of current projects. The Little League Pedestrian Improvement Project is 99% complete. Onaga Trail between Acoma and west of Grand has completed pavements, curbs, gutters, handicap ramps, and sidewalks on both sides. On Underground Utility District No. 1, Town is waiting for Edison to send back plans by the end of May.

The State Route 62 Landscape Beautification Project has a consultant they are working with. After turning down a previous bid, Staff will seek to rebid the Essig Park dog park project. The resurfacing of the Pickleball Courts and Sports courts will be completed by the end of May. Consultants have been engaged for the Senior Center and Town Hall Modernization projects. Lastly, plans for the Aquatic Center are ready for bidding by mid-May.

The meeting ended with the Town Council requesting a presentation from the new School Superintendent and the Basin Transit Authority General manager.

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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.