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At last night’s meeting, Mayor Schooler gave Field Representative for Senator Shannon Grove, Dominic Heiden, a certificate to recognize his good works in the High Desert. Senator Grove and Heiden are moving to Bakersfield. Heiden said goodbye and expressed his gratitude to the Council. Staff introduced new employees Terry Foster, Administration Assistant, and Iryna Hess, Accounting technician, One. Paul Osterman, a representative Of Charles Abbott and Associates, explained that the 2022 Triennial California Building Code does not present significant changes to the Yucca Valley building codes. The Council then approved and welcomed Youth Council Appointments. In addition, the Council received and filed the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, presented by Jordan Gumbish, Finance Manager of Yucca Valley.
The most anticipated report of the evening was the Architectural and Engineering Design update for Proposition 68, the Aquatics and Recreation Center Project. Representatives of HMC Architects, Brad Glassick, Principal in Charge, Adilene Contreras, Project Manager, Jon Orr, Senior Project Designer, and Sergio Lechuga, Director of Interior Design, presented drawings of the interior and exterior of the new Center. The HMC team created a design that will adjust to the Town’s needs. The current stage of the project is the submission of the construction Documents.
Review and approval are scheduled for January 30, 2023. Bidding and awarding of the construction contract are scheduled for March 2023.

Drawing of the Acquatics and Recreational Center and Brehm Park

The Newest members of the Yucca Valley Youth Commission

The town Council also reviewed the Vacation Rental Ordinance. One change to the ordinance is to define a bedroom as it pertains to occupancy. Bedroom means a private room in the short-term vacation rental unit for sleeping, separated from other rooms with access to a bathroom, without crossing another bedroom. In addition, the room must have a closet and no less than 70 square feet of floor area.
The maximum number of overnight guests is currently 8. There will be further discussion on the number of guests relating to two guests per bedroom with a possible two additional to be no more than 12. The Council also agreed short-term rental homes could be in commercial and industrial areas. The current cap of 10% of the total number of houses will stand as it is, with a waiting list for additional permit requests. Permits can be transferrable upon the sale of a home.
The Council and Staff will establish regulations for signage, outdoor lighting, and a time cap on permit applications.