Yucca Valley Town Council meets tonight: roads, air quality, and graffiti


The Yucca Valley Town Council meets tonight with the town’s dirt roads as the main topic of discussion. Here is reporter Adeline J. Wells with details on the meeting.

At tonight’s meeting, the Yucca Valley Town Council will discuss options to update its policy on non-maintained dirt roads. While the town currently maintains roughly 2.6 miles of dirt roads, there are approximately 100 miles of private, non-maintained dirt roads within their jurisdiction. Aside from conducting emergency cleanup operations, Yucca Valley’s policy regarding any permanent maintenance of these dirt roads has not been amended since 1994. The council will receive a staff report on the issue and open the floor for public comment.

The meeting will also feature a presentation by the Executive Director of the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District to promote public awareness of the agency and their work. Lastly, the council will consider a resolution to establish a reward for providing information leading to the apprehension of graffiti vandals within the town.

Tonight’s Town Council meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

It can also be attended online here.