Local NewsYucca Valley

Yucca Valley Town Council meeting recap – Public Facility Development Fee Structure and other town business

At last night’s Yucca Valley Town Council meeting, the Council received a donation, considered the Public Facility Development Impact Fee structure, and reviewed and filed the San Bernardino County Transit Authority Council of Governments Housing Trust Update.

The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting opened with the current Yucca Valley Nature Museum Program Supervisor, Stephanie Ritter introducing new employee, Celeste Hildebrand, who will replace Ritter in the new year. The Yucca Valley Town Council then accepted a donation of $7,500 for the Youth Basketball Program in memory of Barry Alan Absec. Council member Robert Lombardo was moved by the gift and fondly remembered Barry Absec as an outstanding coach.

The Council reviewed the State imposed report for the Public Facility Development Impact Fee structure, included in 2023/2024 Budget. Fees are used to finance public facilities’ acquisition, construction, and improvement for new development. It will also establish a separate fund to account for the impact on general facilities such as parks, trails, storm drains, streets, and increased traffic. Staff presented a breakdown of revenues and expenditures to the Council. An example of using the funds is the North Park construction project and establishing the trail from the community center down to Tri-Valley Little League Boys and Girls Club. The report was received and filed.

Additionally, a representative of the San Bernardino County of Governments (SBCOG) presented a report outlining the formation of a Housing Trust to address the need for affordable housing. Included in the presentation were steps to establishing a Regional Housing Trust and a timeline for identifying participating jurisdictions, drafting an administrative plan, creating a funding application, establishing a Joint Powers Authority (JPA), and adopting an administrative procedure. The Council received and filed the report and approved a letter of interest in joining the Trust.

Recreation Leader Nina MCCullough and her assistant Zahara Scharf updated the Council on the activities and development of the Yucca Valley Senior Center. Through Measure Y funding, the Senior Center has been able to add new and updated quality programs that will bring in more members of different ages and increase senior participation. Programs include yoga, a balance class, Pilates, and dance classes. The Center is also connecting with other partners that can provide education and resources for health and transportation. McCullough added she is researching ways to improve the Senior Center and make it a vital resource. Upcoming December events include a Holiday Dinner Dance, Holiday Lunch party, Birthday celebration, Mobil Food pantry, Christmas crafts, Caseworker help, and classes and games.

Finally, Yucca Valley Staff presented the Capital Projects Update, including Little League Drive pedestrian improvement project. Council recently awarded the construction contract scheduled to begin on January 3, 2023. The Onaga Trail Pedestrian improvements project for curbs, gutter, sidewalks, driveway approaches, and handicap ramps will begin construction on December 12. Design development is scheduled for modernization of the old library, with completion in March or April, and will come back for Council’s review in Spring 2023. The architect and Staff will review the Senior Center modernization designs from January to April 2023. Enhancement and Beautification of Route 62 will be in front of the Council in the Spring of 2023. Town Staff remarked these, and other projects will make 2023 a busy year, and Staff will be recruiting for a Project Manager.

Lastly, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s Captain Robert Warrick announced Starbucks would host a Coffee with a Cop Event Friday, December 9, from 8:00 to 10:00.

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