The Yucca Valley Town Council agenda for tonight’s meeting will address
employee recognitions and the recommendation to approve plans and
estimates for the construction of the Onaga Trail Pedestrian Improvements
Project and Little League Pedestrian Improvements Project.

Also on the agenda is a recommendation to adopt and approve the contract
with Eco-Fert Inc., for the installation of Phase II Irrigation Water Use
Reduction Contract for system installation and services, which include a
irrigation/fertigation system, soil fertility, water conservation solutions, and
equipment maintenance for the period of two years from July 1st, 2022, through June 30, 2024.

The Council will also hear and approve amendment eight to the Waste Disposal Agreement between the Town of Yucca Valley and the County of San Bernardino. This agreement will cap waste disposal rates at $40.75 per ton and recommit to the original agreement until June 30, 2026. As recommended this amendment will give the county exclusive access to the Landers Landfill, as well as disposal rate certainty.

The Council will hear and review investment policy and budget reports.
Additionally, the Council will review and accept a donation from Ms.
Michelle Maresh and the Tri-Valley Little League Organization consisting of one park bench and two park tables in memory of Jeremie L. King.

Lastly, the Council will receive and discuss the design package update for the
Aquatics and Recreation Center, and hear the 2021 Animal Care and Control

The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting of Tuesday, July 5 has been canceled due to a
lack of quorum. The next regular meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council will be held on Tuesday, July 19.

Tonight’s meeting is at 6 p.m. in the Yucca Valley Community Center’s
Yucca Room and will be live-streamed.

Join Zoom Meeting:

https://zoom.us/j/95031314325?pwd=VUFrSSs1aXlPcnVOQVNOMUVvcDc 5Zz09

Meeting ID: 950 3131 4325 Passcode: 925959