Yucca Valley Town Council: Measure C, solar energy systems, department updates

The meeting was headed by Mayor Pro Tem Drozd, as Mayor Lombardo was absent.

Last night’s Yucca Valley Town Council meeting began with a presentation on the Morongo Unified School District Bond Measure C, led by Superintendent Dr. Vargas and Board Member Clare. Measure C is included on the ballot this November; if passed by 55%, property owners would pay back the $88 million bond at $36.19 per $100,000 of property value. The funds would be used to make facility and infrastructure upgrades for the school district, as allocated by an independent oversight committee. Possible uses include multipurpose rooms, a performing arts center, and shelters on playground areas.

Town Staff then proposed two ordinances related to solar energy systems. The first ordinance, discussed through a public hearing, removes rooftop solar energy systems from the Town’s Development Code; the second calls for adopting an electronic submittal program for such systems. Both of these are in accordance with recent changes at the state level, which aim to allow solar systems to be permitted more quickly and easily. Rooftop solar systems are subject to review by the Building and Safety Department, which has indicated the electronic submittal system will be ready for implementation in mid-October.

A list of the major Land Development permits allowed by the Planning Department.

The Council then moved to a series of updates. Town Manager Curtis Yakimow provided the Council with an update on the San Bernardino Council of Governments. Founded in 2016, the Council is composed of the County Board of Supervisors and 24 representatives from municipalities who collaborate on regional issues, including public safety, housing, water, and infrastructure. The Town Council received the Planning Annual Report and Discussion, which details the many responsibilities of the Planning Department, and the meeting concluded with Town Clerk Lesley Copeland presenting the Council with a guide to the Town’s Public Records Request process and system.

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Adeline J. Wells
Adeline J. Wells is a reporter and on-air DJ at Z107.7. A native of the Midwest, she graduated from the University of Wisconsin with degrees in Political Science and Environmental Studies. When not writing, she enjoys desert drives, learning to play the banjo, and going dancing.