Yucca Valley Town Council held a special meeting early Tuesday morning (5/30)

Yesterday, the Yucca Valley Town Council meet in special session at 8:30 a.m. to award a variety of contracts to public works projects.

The Town Council awarded a contract for the construction of Essig Park to IMR Incorporated of Norco, California, and a design contract to RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. for Old Town Beautification and Sustainability Project Phase 1.

Much of the Town’s business was on the Consent Calendar and was approved. Along with awarding design and construction contracts, the Council continued a Public Hearing on the Community Facilities Districts. In completion, the Council set annual levies for the previously established Town of Yucca Valley Community Facilities District to finance a portion of the cost of providing street, storm drain, landscape maintenance, and street lighting services.

Councilman Merl Abel asked for an update on the fire station in future agenda items. On a last note, the Town now has four potential vendors interested in bidding on the sidewalk construction for the Aquatics and Recreation Center and going through the pre-qualification process.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.