Yucca Valley Town Council appoints 26 Youth Commissioners for the 2024-2025 season

Hi-Desert Nature Museum Supervisor Celeste Hildebrand presents new logos for the museum.

The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting began with the Council’s appointment of the 2024-2025 Youth Commission. The body of individuals in grades 7 through 12 is nominated annually by the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Commission and advises them on youth-related issues and events. This year’s Youth Commission is composed of 26 students from eight different schools in the area.

Following the presentation of the Town’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, the Council reviewed the Year End Budget Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. The Town had an excess of roughly $4 million in revenues over expenditures for the year; this is in part due to higher-than-expected revenues from property taxes and short-term vacation rentals. The Council voted to allocate $500,000 of the excess towards Vehicle and Equipment Replacement, with the remainder going to the Town’s Capital Reserves.

Town Staff provided the first quarterly update on the Aquatica and Recreation Center. Construction is moving forward, with the next phase to focus on underground infrastructure and earthwork. The project is anticipated to be completed by June 2026. This was followed by an update on the Hi-Desert Nature Museum, presented by Supervisor Celeste Hilderbrand. The Museum recently updated its logo in honor of its 60th year in operation.

The Council voted in favor of a resolution amending the budget and awarding the construction bid for Phase 2 of the Yucca Valley Senior Center Modernization project. Phase 2 includes renovating the staff offices, the reception area, and restrooms to be ADA-compliant, as well as adding landscaping and updating the building’s color scheme. Construction is expected to be completed by August 2025; the Council agreed that the Town needs to sufficiently organize meals and programs for seniors at the Community Center while the Senior Center undergoes renovations.

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