Yucca Valley Town Council Agenda: Old Town Beautification, monument sign

The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting will begin with an update on the Old Town Beautification and Sustainability Project. Developments for Phase 1 have begun on Elk Trail; this portion of the project consists of building a parking lot for 93 spaces, four dual-port electric vehicle charging stations, restrooms, a shade structure, and lighting. The contractor is scheduled to complete the parking lot paving by the end of March.

Town Staff will then seek Council direction on the Town Monument Signage project. Last year, the Town Council began the process for the creation of a new monument sign on the west end of Yucca Valley at the southwest corner of Highway 62 and Camino Del Cielo. The 29 Palms Band of Mission Indians has since built a recreational cannabis dispensary on Tribal Land on the southeast corner of the intersection, with further plans to develop a travel center. Town Staff seeks guidance from the Town Council on the intended progression of the sign project.

This week is the first week that the Town Council will host its meeting at an earlier start time to encourage public participation and attendance. This week’s meeting will be held on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

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