Yucca Valley Town Council Agenda for tonight’s (12/6) meeting


The Yucca Valley Town Council will meet tonight to receive a donation, consider the Public Facility Development Impact Fee structure, and review and file the San Bernardino County Transit Authority Council of Governments Housing Trust Update.

The Yucca Valley Town Council will receive a donation from Ms. Kristen Mery for $7,500 to provide funding for the Youth Basketball Program in memory of Barry Alan Absec. Also scheduled for tonight’s meeting is considering the Public Facility Development Impact Fee structure, included in the 2023/2024 Budget Review Fee Study. Additionally, on the agenda is a receive and file of the San Bernardino County Transit Authority Council of Governments Housing Trust Update and a Letter of Interest in joining the trust. Lastly, the Council will review the Yucca Valley Senior Center Update and the Capital Projects Update

The meeting will be at the Yucca Valley Community Center, Yucca Room, at 6 p.m. or online.

Zoom Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 995 9082 3188 Passcode: 374806