At last night’s meeting, three new hires were introduced, Animal Shelter specialist Robert Falato, Christopher Lauer, skilled Parks maintenance worker #1, and Jesse Reyes, Skilled Facility maintenance worker #1. The Town also said Goodbye to Stefanie Ritter, The Hi-Desert Nature Museum Coordinator, and thanked her for 23 years of service.
Councilmen Merl Abel held back item 8 of the Consent agenda for clarification. The item authorized the Town to purchase replacement Fleet Vehicles and Parks Maintenance Equipment. Curtis Yakimow, Town Manager, said the Town is conservative, but when the vehicles cost more to maintain or are unsafe, they will be replaced. The Town’s purchasing ordinance requires Town Council authorization for purchases over $10,000.00. The item was approved. Councilman Jim Schooler questioned item 10 – the Budget Report for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2023, asking for clarifications on the healthy interest revenue. Staff informed him the Town had made some good investment choices, and with Interest rates rising, there is a 4.5% total yield in the money market account. The item was received and filed.
The Town Council reviewed diagrams in the Engineer’s reports for Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance Districts and Street and Drainage Maintenance Districts and, after discussion, moved this item to the next meeting.

Last night, the Yucca Valley Town Council held a Public Hearing to add Solid Waste Handling Service Charges on the 2023-2024 Property Tax Roll. As a result of State mandates for organic waste management, there is a substantial increase in operational and environmental impacts on the Town and Burrtec. The new charges cover disposal, technology, transportation, and tax. Burrtec has been holding down costs in anticipation of this increase. However, the initial cost to taxpayers will increase from 21 to 27 dollars a billing cycle and could rise to 33 dollars later. Frank Orlett, Vice President of Burrtec, was present at the meeting and updated the Council on the new facility on Sunny Slope and the additional Transfer facility.
Alex Qishta, Public Works Director, reviewed the Measure Y Essig Park Project. The Town will add two shade structures, trees, fencing, and solar lighting for the parking areas. Additional upgrades are rehabbing the grass and changing decomposed granite to concrete. The concrete will be easier to maintain and safer for residents with disabilities. The report was received and filed.
Debra Bredenbach, Human Resources Manager, gave the 2023 San Bernardino Point-in-Time Count Final Report. In Yucca Valley, volunteers counted 110 homeless. Astrid Johnson, Community Activist from Morongo Basin ARCH, Wayne Hamilton, Community Outreach Coordinator from Morongo Basin School District, and Marge Doyle – Executive Consultant from the Morongo Basin Healthcare District, helped with the count and gave resources and aid to those in need.
At last night’s meeting, the Council approved the pre-qualification of contractors for the Yucca Valley Aquatic and Recreation Center Project. Lastly, the Council reviewed Ordinance No. 306, increasing the Town Council Member compensation to 671 dollars monthly, beginning on January 1, 2025.