Yucca Valley Planning Commission will review single-family events in residential districts


The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will meet tonight to review temporary Special Event permitting in residential zoning districts and The Old Town Beautification project.

On the agenda for tonight’s meeting is a review of an exterior color change at 6625 Prescott Avenue. The Council will also review and approve temporary special events in single-family residential zoning districts. The Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act and then recommend the Town Council amend Temporary Special Events in the Development Code.

The Commission will also receive the Informational Old Town Beautification and Sustainability Project and the Land Development update. The meeting is in the Yucca Room, at 57090 Twentynine Palms Highway. The Public is welcome.

Join remotely: https://zoom.us/j/92452005200?pwd=S05OaDI1aFVXQTg3bVBOeURiOVphdz09
Meeting ID: 924 5200 5200
Passcode: 084608