Local NewsMeetingsYucca Valley

Yucca Valley Planning Commission to consider application for new retail space and coffee bar in Old Town

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will review a proposal for a new retail space and coffee bar in Old Town.

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting will begin with a Site Plan Review for a property at 7344 Wamego Trail in Old Town. Originally developed as a single-family residence, the property currently operates as an office space designated for Old Town Industrial/Commercial use under the Town’s existing General Plan.

The applicant requests to change the use of the 1,723 square foot property to a retail space with sales of gifts, baked goods, and a coffee bar. Town Staff recommends that the Planning Commission finds the project exempt from further review under the California Environmental Quality Act and that they approve the application.

The Planning Commission will also receive the Land Development Update.

Tonight’s meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

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