The Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting will begin with the appointment of a new Chair and Vice Chair to serve for the next year. This rotation occurs each March; Chair Gerard Noonan and Vice Chair Alejandro Vasconcelos will step down from their respective positions.
The Commission will then consider an Exterior Color Change application for a commercial building at 56945 Twentynine Palms Highway, at the southeast corner of the intersection with Sage Avenue. Formerly a Kentucky Fried Chicken, the building is currently El Comandante Taqueria and is painted grey and black. The applicant requests to change the main exterior color to orange, with roof trim and decorative shutters to be painted red. Town Staff recommends that the Commission approves the application with conditions consistent with the Commercial Design Guidelines, such as selecting tones within the adopted color palette.
Town Staff will also present the Land Development Update, which details capital project activity and private developments within Yucca Valley.
Tonight’s meeting is open to the public and begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.