Yucca Valley Planning Commission: sidewalk displays, filming at vacation rentals

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting will begin with a public hearing on commercial sidewalk displays. The item has been raised at several recent meetings to establish standards for such displays; potential parameters include the size of displays, hours of operation, and limits on signage. At a public hearing on August 27, the Commission raised questions on the total percentage of building frontage that could sustain vending displays. Town Staff was directed to conduct further research on the matter, which will be presented this evening.

The Commission will then consider conflicting codes for commercial and recreational filming activities at Temporary Short-Term Vacation Rental properties in Yucca Valley. While the Town has an ordinance that provides limited regulations for filming, the current permit for short-term vacation rentals prohibits commercial or non-commercial filming at such properties, in an attempt to prevent disruptive behavior. The Commission will provide direction on how to establish a consistent code for filming at short-term rentals. 

The Planning Commission will also receive the Land Development Update following their review of the California Environmental Quality Act qualified consultant list.

Tonight’s meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

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