Yucca Valley Planning Commission recap: Temporary Special Events in residential zones and guidelines for mascots and statues

At last night’s meeting, the Commission postponed the review of an exterior color change at 6625 Prescott Avenue until the next meeting. However, they did approve an exterior color change for 55315 Twentynine Palms Highway.

There were audience comments from people present and online when the discussion turned to Special Events in residential areas. Janis and Dennis Pask opposed special events because of traffic and wear and tear on unmaintained dirt roads. Ben Johnstone, a vacation rental owner living in Los Angeles, favors special events but added that the rules were a little broad and should be more specific. Karen Post, vacation rental owner, and part-time resident, wanted to add language to ensure wellness events were allowed. Staff clarified that there are already existing rules for STVRs, and these changes to the code would only apply to special events in residential areas. The Commissioners heard many comments, added thoughts and reflections, and instructed Staff to return with the changes at the next meeting. Some of the ideas taken from Staff and resident comments included:

  • The number of Participants does not include Staff at the event
  • Parking for Staff is not included in the regulated parking spot requirements
  • Events will be assigned minor and major designations
  • More flexibility for Minor or Major categories regulating events
  • The Town cannot make road maintenance demands
  • Sound regulation will allow for an amplified mic but not amplified music
  • Events must pass Fire department and Health department approval
  • Fireworks are prohibited county-wide
  • Permit requirements, currently, every year, may be changed from one year to three years.

After an equally significant discussion at a previous meeting, Staff presented a flexible guideline allowing Mascots and statues as long as they follow new rules. The changes will now go to the Town Council to be approved. When asked if the Sinclair Dinosaur and Big Bear Diner’s Bear will return, Deputy Manager Shane Stueckle said there is a possibility the dinosaur has been sold. Black Bear Diner can re-permit the Bear.

During the Land Development Update Report, Staff said Evoke Modern is beginning the CEQUA process, Quick Quack is opening tomorrow, Nice Dreams is in minor demolition work, and Starbucks West is in Plan Check.

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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.