Yucca Valley Planning Commission meets to discuss temporary special events in neighborhoods


The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will continue discussing Temporary Special Events in Single Family Residential Zoning Districts and review the Exterior Color Change for 6625 Prescott Avenue and 55315 Twentynine Palms Highway.

In addition, the Commission will decide on the Commercial Design Guidelines on Branding Mascot and Statues and forward it to the Town Council. The final act of business at tonight’s meeting is a review of the Land Development Update Report. The public is welcome. The Commission will meet at 6 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center in the Yucca room.

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https://zoom.us/j/94370142808?pwd=WVBUekJGMHZ6SVNZRVRpclAvVTZpUT09 Meeting ID: 943 7014 2808 Passcode: 740971