Yucca Valley Planning Commission meetings to cover mobile home and apartment updates

This morning at 10 a.m., there will be a special meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council, in which the council will discuss extending a moratorium on changing age provisions at mobile home parks. 

Then at 6 p.m., the Yucca Valley Planning Commission will meet in regular session to review a permit request for a five-unit apartment complex.

During the Department Reports, the Yucca Valley Planning Commission will review a request to construct a five (5) unit apartment complex on a 0.67-acre site. They will also continue to review a color change application of the commercial structure located at the northeast corner of Twentynine Palms Highway and Prescott Avenue. The Planning Commission will also receive the Land Update Report. The meeting is at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9 in the Yucca Room of the Yucca Valley Community Center, 57090 Twentynine Palms Hwy, and will be live streamed. The Public is welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 930 5539 6855
Passcode: 579297

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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.