Yucca Valley Planning Commission looks ahead to Old Town beautification, Aquatic Center, and other projects


At last night’s meeting, the Yucca Valley Planning Commission received the bi-annual Capital Improvement Projects Update. This report recaps all the town-funded development projects currently in motion. The Commission received updates on developments such as the Old Town Beautification and Sustainability Project, the Senior Center Improvement Project, the Aquatics and Recreation Center, and the Crack, Slurry, and Cape Seal Project.

Town Staff also presented a few updates on the Community Center Athletic Facility following two special meetings to collect public input held last week. Per community input, Staff reworked the plans to accommodate 14 pickleball courts rather than the previously planned 11. The town will also attempt to leave the existing basketball court in place for the time being; previous plans included its initial demolition for pickleball court construction. Input on the existing skate park favored a total redesign; the town plans to remove and reconstruct the existing park.

The Commission was very pleased with the report, with Vice Chair Vasconcelos commenting how notable these projects are for the community’s youth.

“For me, having children in the community and seeing all these things coming to pass that I didn’t have when I was growing up here, is really exciting for our entire community.”

The Commission also received and filed the Land Use Development Update. The Tiny Pony submitted a Land Use Compliance Review request to expand their outdoor space, and Walmart is taking steps towards development of a fueling station and convenience store on the northeast corner of their lot. The grading plans for Star Cafe, Nice Dream Ices, and Starbucks West were all approved, paving the way for construction.

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