Yucca Valley Planning Commission: Development Code changes, Black Bear Diner mascots

The Black Bear Diner bears are back on the Yucca Valley Planning Commission’s agenda.

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will kick off their meeting with a public hearing on several amendments to the town’s Development Code. Following the adoption of a General Plan Update in 2014 and updated Housing and Safety Elements in 2022, Town Staff has worked to identify various minor code adjustments to ensure consistency between the two guidelines. The State has also amended its laws regarding the approval of solar energy systems; Town Staff recommends that any of the existing Development Code standards that are not in accordance with the new State laws be removed. All amendments to the Development Code require at least one public hearing before the Planning Commission and Town Council.

The Commission will then consider a Commercial Design Review for Black Bear Diner. Following a series of discussions regarding business signage and mascots last year, the Planning Commission updated the Commercial Design Review guidelines to adopt new standards for the issue. Black Bear Diner has applied to reintroduce several bear statues to their external design plan; the Commission will determine whether said mascots comply with their new guidelines. 

The Planning Commission will also receive the Land Development Update.

Tonight’s meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

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