Yucca Valley Old Town Beautification & Sustainability project launches today

A ground-breaking ceremony for Yucca Valley’s Old Town Beautification & Sustainability project is happening today at Elk Trail, just north of 29 Palms Highway.

It will officially mark the beginning of the construction phase of the Project.

The west side of Elk Trail between 29 Palms Highway to the south and Yucca Trail on the north, will be transformed into paved parking for up to ninety-five (95) vehicles with eight (8) electric vehicle charging stations, surrounded by hi-desert landscaping. At the northwest corner of 29 Palms Highway and Elk Trail, there will be amenities for visitors to the Old Town neighborhood, which include a set of prefabricated public restrooms, a shaded picnic shelter, various seat walls, shade trees, and, at the corner itself, a monument designation sign or a public art installation.

The contract to construct the project was awarded to IE General Engineering Inc. of Beaumont, California. The projected construction budget is $2.75 million and is funded through the Town’s Measure Y and Capital Project Reserve Fund programs.

The project is scheduled for completion in late November of this year. The Town says that Yucca Valley’s Old Town neighborhood will have an inviting and welcoming space for visitors to park their vehicles and walk to specialty shops, stores, restaurants and cafes that dot downtown Yucca Valley.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.