At the Workshop, an RHA, Inc. representative presented two boards depicting phases of the Old Town Parking project that will be completed over time. The first phase will include a designated parking area, seat wall, Bus stop, Monument Sign, public art, picnic shelter, restrooms, trash enclosure, and AV charging center. The second phase will include all the above and playground, a plaza with moveable tables and umbrellas, a shade sail, an accent fountain, a raised performance space, and low water use landscaping that will also be a Demonstration garden. Yucca Valley proposes to fund the five-million-dollar project through a Clean California grant they are currently applying for. Public input is essential for this phase of the project.
Some community concerns were safety from traffic, graffiti, and crime, traffic movement in and out of the parking areas, cleaning and maintaining the restroom areas, and nighttime police security.
Jennifer Rendon, who works in the area, offered specific and constructive suggestions such as: using solar panels on shade structures, solar lights for pedestrian walking, low lights, and highlights. Additional recommendations included alternative seating like rocks or timber for straw bale construction. Rendon also suggested extra wide driveways to compensate for large trucks and using different ground covering materials where people walk to delineate parking from pedestrian areas.
The current schedule is to complete the input phase, work on the design process over four to six months, and another couple of months to bid.
Homeless camps currently occupy the area. As the construction begins and in conjunction with the sheriff’s department, Town will offer every resource available to people experiencing homelessness.
Liz Lapp, a resident and business owner, said she was glad the Council was considering Old Town beautification. “I think a lot of the people who live here are appreciative of it as well,” she added; she appreciated the Town was willing to support residents and businesses.
To contact Yucca Valley with questions or suggestions call Alex Qishta, Public Works Director at (760) 369-6579 (extension 307).