Yucca Valley Film Festival’s mission is to bring more movies to the Morongo Basin


On last Friday’s “Up Close Show with Gary Daigneault,” Yucca Valley Film Festival Director Matt Beurois discussed the festival’s mission.

When Daigneault commented on the festival’s growing popularity, Beurois confirmed more that more and more directors are coming out for the festival every year, before segueing into the festival’s mission:

Matt Beurois: “This is the mission of the Yucca Valley Film Festival – to put the town of Yucca Valley on the map. To bring artists and people who have their own platform to Yucca Valley so they can enjoy a weekend here – maybe come back and film a movie – and keep supporting and promoting the community. So we are helping them today in hopes they will help us tomorrow.”

Beurois went on to mention that while many may know about Joshua Tree and the National Park, they may not know about how active the surrounding arts community is. He sees the festival as a way to bring the arts community “above ground” by shining a spotlight on it.

Learn more here: https://yuccavalleyfilmfestival.com/

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.