Yucca Valley and Joshua Basin Water District meetings today

Directors at Yucca Valley’s Hi-Desert Water District meet in regular session at 4 o’clock today, and down the road in Joshua Tree, the Joshua Basin Water District board meets at 5:30 p.m.

At the Hi-Desert Water District directors will consider entering a mutual emergency aid agreement with Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency as well as consider approving a Water and Wastewater Financial Plan and Rate Study, actions usually seen in advance of a rate hike. Today’s meeting takes place at the district office on the highway at Inca Trail.

At the Joshua Basin Water District directors will consider the 23/24 revised capital budget and the 24/25 proposed capital budget, and consider a new appointment to the Citizens Advisory Council. The meeting takes place at the District Office on Chollita Road in Joshua Tree.

For more information: https://hidesertwd.portal.civicclerk.com/event/82/files/agenda/337

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