The Yucca Valley Airport runway work has been completed as of August 5. The Airport is now open, and air traffic has already resumed.
The Airport had not been repaved since 1986 and needed improvement. The Airport District held a special meeting; they initially considered doing an “overly” that would only last a while. However, the District voted to bring the Airport into FAA standards with a complete repaving that ensured the runway for 20 years.
The Town of Yucca Valley offered the District $95,000 through Measure Y. Then they received a loan from Cal Trans, and the remaining amount came from taxes collected through airport fees and residents’ taxes.
The Yucca Valley Airport District also announced a Board of Directors Meeting on August 9 at 6:30 in the Mesquite room of the Yucca Valley Community Center. The Board will review Airport business and future agenda items, including the schedule of Airport usage fees, Job descriptions for an Airport Manager and Administrative Contractor, and a Weed abatement plan.