What does it take to start a small business in Twentynine Palms?

The City of Twentynine Palms is growing, and part of that growth is a booming small business scene. On a recent episode of the Z107.7 Up Close Show, host Gary Daigneault spoke with Twentynine Palms City Manager Stone James about the process for opening a small business within city limits, and how City officials have tried to streamline the process for new business owners.

Gary: “A business comes to Twentynine Palms. First, they determine whether they want to build a new building or go into an existing building. Then they would then go to the Planning Department and the planning department would go over their plans with them and see what’s going to work.”

Stone:” And so if the use that they are contemplating is consistent with the zoning that they can process they’re going to need a business license they’re going to need some they’re going to need some plans on what type of exterior facade that they’re going to do and they can move forward.

“Now if it’s going to potentially have a zone change or if it’s going to require maybe a conditional use permit then that is going to require discretionary approval and that will have to go in front of the Planning Commission.”

Gary: “So if it’s in a storefront that was a retail business that is in the area that is zoned for retail, it’s pretty easy to rent it and just start your business.” 

Stone: “Our Community Development Department will walk you through the process. You’re going to have to interact with the building and safety to make sure it’s up to code and make sure it’s consistent with all the fire regulations in the state of California which are pretty onerous. So we help guide them through the process.”

You can hear their full conversation by listening to the Z107.7 Up Close Show as a podcast or below:

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Gary Daigneault
Gary Daigneault has been a broadcast journalist for 45 years with awards and citations from the Associated Press, National Association of Broadcasters, Radio-Television News Association, Radio Inc. Magazine, five “Golden Mic” and four “Mark Twain” awards. In 2010 he was inducted into the Associated Press Hall of Fame. Daigneault taught Broadcasting for 27 years. He is President of Theatre 29, six term Past-President of Rotary Clubs, Past-President of Twentynine Palms and Joshua Tree Chambers of Commerce and chaired the Joshua Tree National Park Commission. Gary and wife Cindy live in Twentynine Palms since 1979. They have two children and five grandchildren.