Wednesday Water Roundup: salary increase for HDWD GM to $263k

Yucca Valley’s Hi-Desert Water District board of directors meets today (September 20, 2023) at 4 p.m.; while Joshua Tree’s Joshua Basin Water District’s regular meeting begins promptly at 5:30 p.m.

At Hi-Desert Water District the board is expected to approve several resolutions, among them is a healthy salary increase for the general manager including a 2.5 percent merit increase and a 4.6 percent cost-of-living adjustment for a total annual salary of just over $263,000. The public is welcome to attend today’s meeting at the district office on the highway at Inca Trial.

And down the highway at Joshua Basin Water District directors will also consider employee compensation and likely approve an all-classification cost-of-living adjustment of just 3.2 percent. As always, today’s meeting is at the district office on Chollita Road in Joshua Tree where the public is welcome to attend.

To join today’s 4 p.m. Hi-Desert Water District meeting via Zoom, see the meeting agenda at:

To join today’s 5:30 p.m. Joshua Basin Water District meeting via Zoom see the meeting agenda at:

Or you may join by phone at 1 (669) 444-9171.              

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