Wednesday Water Roundup: Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley meeting agendas

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At 4 p.m. this afternoon (December 7, 2022) the Hi-Desert Water District, which serves Yucca Valley, will meet at the district office on the highway at Inca Trail. And in Joshua Tree, the Joshua Basin Water District’s regular meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at the office on Chollita Road off Park Blvd.

Following the election of a president and vice president, the board will consider hiring a consulting firm to study water district employee compensation. The district will also recognize Jim Ventura of the Mojave Water Agency for his decades of service to Morongo Basin’s water agencies. And down the highway, directors at the Joshua Basin Water District will look into the district’s low-income assistance program. The district must first determine if the program’s offer of assistance to certain ratepayers cannot be classified as making illegal gifts of public funds. If it can pass that test, directors will consider doubling the annual benefit from $50 to $100 per account. Fewer than 40 accounts per year have received assistance through the program during its five years of operation.

Both meetings are open for the public to attend in person, online, or on the phone.

To join the Joshua Basin Water District meeting via Zoom follow the link below:

Meeting ID: 850 9150 7074 Passcode: 140389

To join by phone, call 1-669-900-6833.

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