Wednesday Water Round-up: Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley explore water rate increases

The Hi-Desert Water District board of directors, which serves Yucca Valley, will meet at 4 p.m. today (February 15, 2023). And down the highway, in Joshua Tree, the Joshua Basin Water District’s regular meeting begins promptly at 5:30 p.m.

In addition to a number of informational items, directors at the Hi-Desert Water District will review a 2019 rate study with an eye toward commissioning a new study with likely increases that would begin rolling in in June 2024. The meeting takes place at the district office on the highway at Inca trail.

And at the Joshua Basin Water District offices on Chollita Road by the Demonstration Garden, directors will hold a final public hearing and protest vote count prior to a board vote on the proposed water rate hikes.

To join the Hi-Desert Water District meeting via Zoom follow this link:

Meeting ID: 833 8393 7417 Passcode: 410873
Or you may join by phone at 1-669-900-6833

To join the Joshua Basin Water District meeting via Zoom follow this link: HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/6175061750?PWD=EDJGDTBBTLBRKZLBUKXAANRKQ1K2DZ09

Meeting ID: 617 506 1750     Passcode: 61750
Or you may join by phone at 1-669-900-6833.

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