Wednesday Water Round-Up: Hi-Desert and Joshua Basin Water District meetings

Directors at Yucca Valley’s Hi-Desert Water District meet in regular session at 4 o’clock today (June 19, 2024) while down the road in Joshua Tree, the Joshua Basin Water District board meets at 5:30 p.m.

At the Hi-Desert Water District directors are expected to approve a water and wastewater financial plan, rate study, and Prop 218 notice, and set a date for the related public hearing. Today’s meeting takes place at the district office on the highway at Inca Trail.

And at the Joshua Basin Water District directors will consider contracting an outside firm for strategic planning services. The board will also convene a public hearing to consider the water standby charges for fiscal year 2024-25 and likely adopt those charges. In other business, the board will hear the financial report for the fiscal quarter ending March 31. The meeting takes place at the District Office on Chollita Road in Joshua Tree.

Agenda and remote attendance instruction for Hi-Desert Water District
Agenda and remote attendance instruction for Joshua Basin Water District

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