Wednesday Water Meeting Round-Up

Yucca Valley’s Hi-Desert Water District board of directors meets at 4 p.m. today (June 7, 2023), while Joshua Tree’s Joshua Basin Water District’s regular meeting gets underway at 5:30 p.m. sharp.

On the Hi-Desert Water District agenda, the Mojave Water Agency will present its 2023 Annual Imported Water Operations Plan. Also, staff will present the proposed Water and Wastewater Budget for fiscal 2023-2024 for direction and possible adoption. Those items will be followed by a closed-session general manager performance evaluation with a possible compensation modification. That meeting takes place at the district office on the highway at Inca Trail.

On down the highway on Chollita Road in Joshua Tree, the Joshua Basin Water District board will review and consider adoption of the 2022/23 revised budget and 23/24 proposed budget. Also up for consideration are the 2023 Water Capacity Study and proposed charge increases.

As always, these meetings are open to the public, instructions for remote attendance can be found below:

To join today’s 4 p.m. Hi-Desert Water District meeting via Zoom see the meeting agenda at:

Meeting ID: 968 259 9234     Passcode: 5543929

Or you may join by phone at 1-669-900-6833.

To attend today’s 5:30 p.m. Joshua Basin Water District meeting via Zoom follow this link: HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/82784846900?PWD=CFFZT3LWAEZ6RUN4DLQ5AMHEENFPZZ09

Meeting ID: 827 8484 6900     Passcode: 61750

Or you may join by phone at 1-669-900-6833.

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