Water Meetings in Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley tomorrow, Mar. 1


The Hi Desert Water District meets in regular session tomorrow, March 1st at 4PM in Yucca Valley. Items on the agenda calendar include an urban water use report, and the board will be called to approve a $98,000 groundwater monitoring network.

The Joshua Basin Water District is also holding its regular meeting tomorrow, March 1st at 5PM at the district office boardroom in Joshua Tree. Items on the agenda include audit pricing proposals and the purchase of a Skytrak heavy equipment lift.

Join the Hi Desert Water District online:


Meeting ID: 815 9240 8274 Passcode: 068420

Join the Joshua Basin Water District meeting online:


Meeting ID: 617 506 1750 Passcode: 61750
Both meetings can be attended in person, over the phone or online.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.