Volunteers needed for hauling water to Bighorn Sheep in Mojave National Preserve

Photo Credit: NPS, Preston Jordan

An update from the Society of the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep. They are going to be doing a water haul to the Kerr Big Game Guzzler in the Mojave National Preserve on Saturday, June 1st. They need as many 4×4 vehicles as possible that can carry a large water cube. They are also in need of volunteers to help lay hose and man the pumps.

Scott Gibson of the Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep says that The Kerr Guzzler did collect water this last season, however, a catastrophic failure occurred with the box’s float valve due to corrosion and it had to be replaced. He says the guzzler collected about 800 gallons from a spring rain, however the amount is inadequate to sustain the sheep population over the coming summer season.  

Following the water haul to the Kerr Guzzler, volunteers will have the option of making a second water haul to a new guzzler being installed on the “Thomas, Hensen, Rice & Steinmetz” property, located within the Mojave National Preserve.  This separate SCBS volunteer crew, led by Steve Marschke, will be installing a new tank on the same day. The new 2300-gallon Raincatcher Tank is to replace aboveground tanks that were lost during the York Fire last year. 

And for those interested, on Sunday June 2nd there is a third site in the Sheephole Mountain Wilderness that needs water.  The SB68 Bearclaws Temporary Tank. only needs about 1500-gallons to top it off for the summer, so they only need a few vehicles that want to camp out and take another load that Sunday, June 2nd. 

If this sounds interesting to you and you have a capable 4×4 – you can text or call Scott Gibson to RSVP – his phone number is 909-210-0548, or email him at [email protected].

More information on the Kerr Guzzler and water haul (PDF download).

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.